
We strive for quality and make every effort to serve our customers as well as possible. But of course it can happen that you are not satisfied with our service or the delivered product. Please let us know, we will be happy to discuss this with you in order to come to a suitable solution!

How would you prefer to contact us about your complaint?

  1. By phone
    You can call us at 085-8769346. You can also call our director, Rene Aernoudts, directly on telephone number 06-50206438.
  2. Email
    You can email your complaints to [email protected]. Please include your NAW, phone number and e-mail address.
  3. Post
    You can also send your complaint by post to:
    Stichting Lean Management Instituut
    T.a.v. de directie
    Prins Hendriklaan 35
    3701 CL Zeist

Complaints procedure

  1. You can submit your complaint within 7 days after the complaint arose.
  2. After receipt of your complaint, we will contact you within 1 week and indicate how we intend to handle your complaint, what we may still need from you and when you can expect an answer from us.
  3. The handling of your complaint will always take place in consultation with our management. You may also contact our director René Aernoudts directly at any time.
  4. Within the time agreed with you, we will respond substantively to your complaint and hopefully find a suitable solution with you.
  5. If we cannot reach agreement on the solution of your complaint, a dispute will arise for which you can consult the dispute resolution procedure in our general terms and conditions webshop.

Of course we will handle your complaint carefully and respect your privacy. In addition, we will keep your complaint for a period of 3 years.